Learning & Experiences
Shared experiences are extremely important for achieving new goals together. Schaltzeit supports you in making inspiration and exchanging ideas to life, and at the same time brings inspiration.
COLLECTIVE Experiences
Formats for change and transformation
Schaltzeit plans and designs events tailored to individual needs. In order to get in the mood for change, we offer formats that focus on togetherness and shared experience. It is important that they are embedded in preparatory and follow-up transparent activities. We form partnerships with the aim of enabling successes to continue long after your event is over.
We connect innovators and your audience.
Bringing together stakeholders, partners, employees, investors, and leadership on different occasions offers the chance to understand and to create shared experiences.
Together we will define the goal of your event and decide which values and information should be conveyed to the participants.

André Winzer
Founder & CEO
We attach great importance to getting the participants in the mood for the event in advance!

Julia Gnatzy
Design your future experience
Not only real but also virtual events live from immersion. Above all, this is achieved through theming that takes the participants on a (virtual) journey. Particularly through the use of green screen technology in online formats, we make it possible for your team to take on new perspectives together and immerse in foreign worlds.
Hybrid formats - discover new possibilities
Networking and exchanges are important, even if special circumstances lead to the decision not to hold an event in real life. Schaltzeit facilitates creative events and workshops in digital formats as well. With various tools and a designed overlay architecture, we create spaces to network and to new perspectives with each other as well.
In order to convey emotions and identities, the design of graphic elements is also an integral part of our event concepts. Most importantly, this creates thematic worlds and identification with the event among the participants.
Modules for your successful event
Our experience transforms events into experiences. Put together our services according to your individual needs.
Schaltzeit relies on a participative planning process, where all ideas and perceptions are integrated through a constant exchange of concepts between the participants.
Konzept & Strategie
Location scouting
Teilnehmer Management
Surprise packages
Visual Facilitation
Photo and video documentation
Risk Mitigation Planning
Facilitation Coaching
Event Branding
Serious Gaming
Social Experiences
Event Websites
Achieve results, not phases
Hybrid Event
Strategic transformation of an event concept
Bayer AG
Not everything in life can be planned. Especially not a pandemic. We were commissioned to plan a 3-day event in Berlin. Our task is to bring the participants together at different international locations and to drive the possibility of interaction. We form the common strategy & vision transparently besides targeted team building. Three weeks before the event, the first regions were in the middle of the preliminary lockdowns in recent Corona history.
Virtual Conference
Outlook on the working society of 2040
Denkfabrik Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft/BMAS
We support the virtual conference "Thinking Work Ahead - Outlook on the Work Society 2040" of the think tank Digital Work Society with interactive workshops on all sides of participation, training and co-determination of our future. The conference is aimed at all stakeholders of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs already involved in the process. In virtual workspaces, the four created worlds of the future were discussed in detail on the basis of content-related questions and long-term design issues.
Learning Journey
Experimental field of work
Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR)
A Learning Journey thrives on the right timing, i.e. the well-coordinated sequence of encounters and the tensions that emerge between two or more visits. In particular, the energy which arises from the different intensive practical experiences, has a transformative effect on joint workshops and group discussions. It produces approaches to solutions that everyday life struggles to find in vain, as such a level of energy is often unattainable for it.
Multi-stage training program
Raising awareness of digitalisation
Fraunhofer IAO
With “Actors 4.0”, Schaltzeit developed a multi-stage training programme in cooperation with the Fraunhofer IAO. It aims to develop employees and managers into actors of the Industry 4.0 change, and in addition, enables the company as such to act in a self-learning digitalisation manner via a train-the-trainer measure. Within the programme, we have created a basic tool for dealing sensibly with the digital transformation of our working world.
Learning Journey
Electromobility & Organizational Learning
Audi AG
In 2011, we organized the first Learning Journeys on the topic of electromobility for OEMs from the automotive sector. Within 3-4 days, they took on the role of BAMBUS.IO OEMs in one of the major games. We promoted the positioning of new innovation topics and implemented the organizational participants' learning, apparently in various role plays. After accomplishment of the Learning Journey, the knowledge transfer, which the participants already designed during the trip, started.
Innovation Kitchen Europe
Europäische Union/EASME/EurA AG
The objectives included the further training of SMEs, through workshops conducted by invited experts. Subjects of the reduction of asymmetries, through an educational offer on instruments of EASME, as well as targeted and supported networking among each other and invited investors were broached. Schaltzeit was mainly responsible for the conception and coordination of the project. This included the decisive definition of the workshop formats, the realization of the networking concept in particular, as well as the conception and implementation of the visual communication strategy and the event app.
Experiencing events
Whenever it is a question of getting people in the mood for change and taking along on this journey, we convince them with tested and proven event formats.
It is important to decouple from topics and focus on sharing the passion!

Magdalena Soetebeer
Creative Lead Foresight & Design
Future & Innovation Jams
Learning Journeys
Virtuelle & Hybride Events
Strategie- und Teambuilding
Corporate Events
Speed Dating & Networking
Design Thinking
Do you want to get inspired? Give us a call!
We are as good as our network
We are deeply rooted. The specialization of our partners reduces complexity and ensures the likelihood of success.
Planning an event can be complex.
We keep track of it all for you.
We keep track of it all for you.
Do you have questions?
I will be delighted to support you!

André Winzer
Founder & CEO
We are available for consulting on weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm. We reply to messages within a few minutes - and if you need it particularly quickly, you can reach our support by phone.
- 030 61289260